The avid home brewer not only enjoys the final product but finds the entire process of making beer an extremely satisfying experience. For those brewers who seek perfection in their product the iSpindle has been developed to assist brewers in the process.
Designed and assembled in South Africa the iSpindle was created to eliminate the need to open the fermentation drum and test samples during the process of creating a fine beer.
The risks of contamination while sampling the beer during the fermentation process is something all brewers know too well, not to mention wasting good beer with every sample!
By placing the iSpindle in the brew before closing for fermentation, the brew master can receive valuable data on sugar levels through SG (specific gravity), brew temperature and alcohol by volume (AVB) readings on a continuous basis without having to open the brew and test samples. This eliminates the risk of contamination and saves beer.
The iSpindle connects to wifi to provide you access to reports on battery life, SG, temperature and AVB allowing full control and understanding of what is happening with your perfect brew.
How it works

The iSpindle works on the principle of a heeling (or tilting) cylinder. Apart from gravity there is no need for external reference . The inclination angle changes in relation to the buoyancy as a direct result of sugar content. The iSpindle sensors for tilt angle, temperature and battery voltage transmits data at intervals to the cloud service from which you can draw reports and evaluate progress. Easy to clean and maintain the iSpindle is a valuable tool in making the perfect brew every time.